

To get started, you’ll need to get an account at

Got it? Great!

Now you’ll need to obtain your access token so you can make API requests:

  1. Login to the developer portal.
  2. Click the “Bots” button on the top menu bar.
  3. Click the “Click here to reveal” button.
  4. Copy your access token.

You must also create a key file.

  1. Paste your access token into a new file.
  2. Save it as .groupy.key in your user’s home directory.

Lastly, ensure you’re running Python >= 3! Now you’re ready to install Groupy!


Below are instructions for various ways of performing installation.

Using pip


Installation via pip coming soon!

From Source

Basic Steps

  1. Download Groupy from GitHub.
  2. Copy the groupy directory (Groupy/groupy) into your package directory for Python3.


Your package directory may be elsewhere. For help determining the correct location, see this StackOverflow question.

With git

If you have git, it’s as easy as:

$ git clone
$ cd Groupy
$ cp -r groupy /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages       # see note above

Without git

If you don’t have git installed, ask yourself why?

If you’re satisfied with your answer to that question and you’re still reading this section, fine. You don’t need git. You can download it as a ZIP file.

Installation is a simple matter of unzipping the file and copying over the groupy directory to your Python3 package directory.

$ wget
$ unzip
$ cd Groupy-master
$ cp -r groupy /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages   # see note above


Sometimes things go wrong. Here are some common things to check when encountering problems after installing.

It says no such package when I import groupy...

Check whether you copied the groupy package into the correct python package directory. It must be a directory on your sys.path.

I get an unauthorized error when I try to do anything...

Check whether your key file (.groupy.key by default) contains your API token, and that groupy/ contains a definition for KEY_LOCATION that correctly specifies the location and name of your key file.