Source code for groupy.api.chats

from . import base
from . import messages
from groupy import pagers

[docs]class Chats(base.Manager): """A chat manager.""" def __init__(self, session): super().__init__(session, 'chats') def _raw_list(self, **params): response = self.session.get(self.url, params=params) return [Chat(self, **chat) for chat in]
[docs] def list(self, page=1, per_page=10): """List a page of chats. :param int page: which page :param int per_page: how many chats per page :return: chats with other users :rtype: :class:`~groupy.pagers.ChatList` """ return pagers.ChatList(self, self._raw_list, per_page=per_page, page=page)
[docs] def list_all(self, per_page=10): """List all chats. :param int per_page: how many chats per page :return: chats with other users :rtype: :class:`~groupy.pagers.ChatList` """ return self.list(per_page=per_page).autopage()
[docs]class Chat(base.ManagedResource): """A chat with another user.""" def __init__(self, manager, **data): super().__init__(manager, **data) self.messages = messages.DirectMessages(self.manager.session, self.other_user['id']) def __repr__(self): klass = self.__class__.__name__ return '<{}(other_user={!r})>'.format(klass, self.other_user['name'])
[docs] def post(self, text=None, attachments=None): """Post a message to the chat. :param str text: the text of the message :param attachments: a list of attachments :type attachments: :class:`list` :return: ``True`` if successful :rtype: bool """ return self.messages.create(text=text, attachments=attachments)