Source code for groupy.object.attachments

.. module:: attachments
    :platform: Unix, Windows
    :synopsis: A module containing all attachment classes

.. moduleauthor:: Robert Grant <>

This module contains classes for the different types of attachments.

from ..api import endpoint

[docs]class Attachment: """Base class for attachments. :param str type_: the type of the attachment """ def __init__(self, type_): self.type = type_
[docs] def as_dict(self): """Return the attachment as a dictionary. :returns: the attachment as a dictionary :rtype: :class:`dict` """ return self.__dict__
[docs]class GenericAttachment(Attachment): """A generic attachment. This attachment accepts any keyword arguments, but must be given a particular type. :param str type: the type of attachment """ def __init__(self, type, **kwargs): super().__init__(type) for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v)
[docs]class Image(Attachment): """An image attachemnt. Image attachments do not contain an image. Instead, they specify a URL from which the image can be downloaded and must have a domain of "". Such URLs are known as "i" URLs, and are from the GroupMe image service. .. note:: Use the direct initializer *if and only if* the image already has a known GroupMe image service URL. Otherwise, use the :func:`~groupy.object.attachments.Image.file` method. :param str url: the URL at which the image can be fetched from the GroupMe image service :param str source_url: the original URL of the image (optional) """ def __init__(self, url, source_url=None): super().__init__('image') self.url = url self.source_url = source_url def __repr__(self): return "Image(url={!r})".format(self.url) @classmethod
[docs] def file(cls, image): """Upload an image file and return it as an attachment. :param image: the file containing the image data :type image: :class:`file` :returns: an image attachment :rtype: :class:`~groupy.object.attachments.Image` """ return cls(endpoint.Images.create(image)['url'])
[docs] def download(self): """Download the image data of the image attachment. :returns: the actual image the image attachment references :rtype: :class:`PIL.Image.Image` """ return
[docs]class Location(Attachment): """An attachment that specifies a geo-location. In addition to latitude and longitude, every location attachment also specifies a name. Some (especially older) location attachments also contain a ``foursquare_venue_id`` attribute. :param str name: the location name :param float lat: the latitude :param float lng: the longitude :param str foursquare_venue_id: the FourSquare venue ID (optional) """ def __init__(self, name, lat, lng, foursquare_venue_id=None): super().__init__('location') = name = lat self.lng = lng self.foursquare_venue_id = foursquare_venue_id def __repr__(self): return "Location(name={!r}, lat={!r}, lng={!r})".format(,, self.lng)
[docs]class Emoji(Attachment): """An attachment containing emoticons. Emoji attachments do not contain any emoticon images. Instead, a placeholder specifies the location of the emoticon in the text, and a ``charmap`` facilitates translation into the emoticons. :param str placeholder: a high-point/invisible character indicating the position of the emoticon :param list charmap: a list of lists containing pack IDs and offsets """ def __init__(self, placeholder, charmap): super().__init__('emoji') self.placeholder = placeholder self.charmap = charmap def __repr__(self): return "Emoji(placeholder={!r}, charmap={!r})".format( self.placeholder, self.charmap)
[docs]class Split(Attachment): """An attachment containing information for splitting a bill. This type of attachment is depreciated. However, such attachments are still present in older messages. :param str token: the token that splits the bill """ def __init__(self, token): super().__init__('split') self.token = token def __repr__(self): return "Split(token={!r})".format(self.token)
[docs]class Mentions(Attachment): """An attachment that specifies "@" mentions. Mentions are a new addition to the types of attachments. Each contains two parallel lists: ``user_ids`` and ``loci``. The elements in ``loci`` specify the start index and length of the mention, while the elements in ``user_ids`` specify by user_id which user was mentioned in the corresponding element of ``loci``. .. note:: The length of ``user_ids`` must be equal to the length of ``loci``! :param list user_ids: a list of user IDs :param list loci: a list of ``(start, length)`` elements """ def __init__(self, user_ids, loci=None): super().__init__('mentions') self.user_ids = user_ids self.loci = loci def __repr__(self): return "Mentions({!r})".format(self.user_ids)
[docs]class AttachmentFactory: """A factory for creating attachments from dictionaries. """ _factories = { 'image': Image, 'location': Location, 'emoji': Emoji, 'mentions': Mentions, 'split': Split } @classmethod
[docs] def create(cls, **kwargs): """Create and return an attachment. :param str type: the type of attachment to create; if unrecognized, a generic attachment is returned :returns: a subclass of :class:`~groupy.object.attachments.Attachment` """ t = kwargs.pop('type', None) try: return cls._factories[t](**kwargs) except (TypeError, KeyError): # Either kwargs contianed an unexpected keyword for attachment type # t, or t is not a known attachment type return GenericAttachment(t, **kwargs)