Advanced Usage

This part of the documentation contains explanations and examples of more complex aspects of Groupy.


Messages can contain various types of Attachments. Currently, Groupy supports the following types of attachments:

  • Image - for images
  • Location - for locations
  • Split - [*]
  • Emoji - for emoticons
  • Mentions - for “@” mentions
[*]This type of attachment will be depreciated soon.

Each of these classes has a create() method that accepts arguments specific to it’s class.



Location attachments are the simplest of all attachment types. Each includes a name, a latitude, and a longitude.

>>> loc = groupy.Location.create('My house', lat=34, lng=-84.3)

Some location attachments also contain a foursqure_venue_id.


Image attachments are unique in that they do not actually contain the image data.


Emojis are relatively undocumented but frequently appear in messages.


Mentions are a new type of attachment and is yet undocumented.


This type of attachment is not only largely undocumented, it is depreciated.